2024 Winners Announced!



image of Publicis Blueprint on behalf of EE Wins 2013 Best Magazine Mobile Application, Best Telecommunication Mobile Application Mobile WebAward for Orange Exchange magazine

To: Publicis Blueprint on behalf of EE

For: Orange Exchange magazine

Award: Best Magazine Mobile Application, Best Telecommunication Mobile Application

Click here to see entry creative

About the Entry

EE/Orange is tasked with maintaining existing customers, organically growing usage and attracting new customers in the extremely competitive mobile communications space.

Launching April 2012 in response to direct customer requests and increased iPad traffic to the online edition, the Orange Exchange magazine app is a key element of EE’s premium service commitment to small businesses customers.

This loyalty/brand awareness tool’s goals are to deliver rich, interactive, engaging content that rewards and inspires while informing of new products/services to increase average revenue per user and boost retention. Reader surveys/polls provide further customer insight.

Embracing tablet functionality, the UX develops constantly e.g. rather than a traditional cover, new editions have a more user-centric hybrid cover/contents page.

Users tap on a cover section to go straight to that feature, or simply swipe to go forwards/back. Tap on the screen bottom to reveal navigation icons as well as thumbnails with an indication of the scrollable extent of each feature. Icons within pages prompt to reveal more, play video, see 360 views or scroll copy.

A login widget overcomes segmentation challenges without the complexity/expense of different editions - if users opt to enter their mobile number, the widget securely checks against the customer database, delivering relevant contact details.

Average sessions last 13m 37s and a staggering 94% users return, highlighting the usefulness/engaging nature and usability of the app. Exchange has also contributed to Europe’s fastest 4G take up - by September, EE hit 1 million, 3 months ahead of schedule.


Award Credits


EE - Head of Business Marketing, Brand & Comms:

Noel Cottle

EE - B2B Campaign Manager:

Aaron Childs

EE - Senior Customer Marketing Manager, Loyalty & Retention:

James Kipling

Digital Director, Publicis Blueprint:

Neal Anderson

Senior Account Manager, Publicis Blueprint:

Jane McGale

Digital Art Director, Publicis Blueprint:

Tom Dawborn

Senior Digital Designer, Publicis Blueprint:

Clare Willis

Editor, Publicis Blueprint:

Mat Waugh

Deputy Editor, Publicis Blueprint:

Steve Lodewyke

Sub-Editor, Publicis Blueprint:

James Nixon