2024 Winners Announced!



image of American Heritage Credit Union Wins 2021 Best Credit Union Mobile Website, Best Financial Services Mobile Website, Best Investment Mobile Website, Best Non-Profit Mobile Website Mobile WebAward for American Heritage Credit Union's Mobile Website

To: American Heritage Credit Union

For: American Heritage Credit Union's Mobile Website

Award: Best Credit Union Mobile Website, Best Financial Services Mobile Website, Best Investment Mobile Website, Best Non-Profit Mobile Website

Click here to see entry creative

About the Entry

Our target audience includes two main categories: Current members and prospective members. American Heritage Credit Union serves over 210,000 members across 35 branch locations in the city of Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs.

Our main goal for the website redesign was to provide a singular combination of expertise, effort, and technology needed to bring to life the best possible online experience for our members, and the most compelling online reflection of the American Heritage branch and brand experience. We also had the goal of fueling increased member engagement and product growth. while acting as an online equivalent to the in-branch experience because increasingly, many members may not visit branches. Therefore the website is the main point of contact with the credit union. It’s vital to these members' (and prospective members') perception of American Heritage that the new website convey the organization's identity and values - and that this image be conveyed in such a way as to differentiate American Heritage from the competitive set in Philadelphia and the impersonal, corporate approach of big banks.

The website should be conversion-driven, supporting American Heritage's important loan business while helping drive an increase in services-per household among members and emphasizing American Heritage's personal, "family" approach to its membership and excellent, highly competitive rates.

We worked to build a website that aligns with our vision ensuring that our design allows as much flexibility as possible, particularly for content changes and new feature plugins, and leverage our new CMS's excellent native workflow capabilities.


Award Credits


AVP, Analytics & Digital Martketing:

Adam Remshifski

VP of Marketing:

Mike Dinneen

Digital Marketing Content Developer:

Holly Benedetto

Marketing Insights Analyst:

John Langan

Digital Marketing & Web Administrator:

Kevin McNamara

Digital Marketing & Email Automation Specialist:

Yuliya Stupen

Marketing & Public Relations Specialist:

Kirstin Wilson