2024 Winners Announced!



image of Joint stock company Russian Agricultural Bank, Center for Financial Technology Development  Wins 2020 Best B2B Mobile Website Mobile WebAward for My.Farming

To: Joint stock company Russian Agricultural Bank, Center for Financial Technology Development

For: My.Farming

Award: Best B2B Mobile Website

Click here to see entry creative

About the Entry

Video presentation: https://yadi.sk/i/01hb1ZXiaT1kFg

«My.Farming» project provides a quick and easy access for farmers to products, services and business solutions (including innovative ones) which are necessary and helpful for agricultural business. It allows farmers to make their business more effective with the help of services and tools provided on the platform and take it to the next level.

The target audience is farmers.
The choice of audience and agricultural sector can be explained by the fact that this sector less influenced by IT innovations than the others and it requires additional impetus for development. Our project helps to digitalize agriculture in Russia.
There are 176,3 thousand farm enterprises in the Russian Federation. They sell produced products , buy fertilizers, fodders, different kind of equipment, crop. They have to do many business tasks on daily basis like accounting, taxation, financing, filling in state aid applications, searching for reliable suppliers and sales channels. They need veterinary, new employees, lease/buy equipment.

Our website meets all possible needs of farmers. It provides farmers with the digital services in the single place that helps them to automatize many routine processes, spare time and resources.

«My farming» provides farmers with the following opportunities:

1. Аccess to the marketplace for agricultural products and services - it connects quality buyers with credible suppliers in agricultural sector. We help farmers to find customers in HoReCa market segment and set up agrarian travel business.

2. Agrarian services. They help farmers manage farmers’ business digitally.
There are:
• Remote veterinary services
• Organic product certification service
• Selection of seed
• Smart farming
and other

3. Business support services:
• Recruitment
• Bookkeeping
• Legal support services
• News and recommendation services
• Navigator in agricultural state aid programs

4. Quick and easy access to innovative agritechnologies and opportunities for their integration

5. Аccess to financial services on favorable terms: Farmers are offered banking products and services by RusAg bank. All financial services are digital.

and many other opportunities…

“My.Farming” is the first digital platform for farmers and suppliers with a unique set of services. The platform enhances customer experience with digital services and customer-centric approach. All the services are digital on the platform. Farmers get an opportunity to settle all business issues online.


Award Credits


Chief Business Development Officer:

Lyubaeva lubov

Chief Project Officer:

Lapa Mikhail

Chief Design Officer:

Tagintcev Kirill

Product Owner:

Volkova Polina

Product Owner:

Makaryan Armine