2024 Winners Announced!



image of State Farm Insurance Wins 2018 Best Bank Mobile Application, Best Insurance Mobile Application, Best Mobile Industry Mobile Application, Best of Show Mobile Application Mobile WebAward for State Farm Mobile App

To: State Farm Insurance

For: State Farm Mobile App

Award: Best Bank Mobile Application, Best Insurance Mobile Application, Best Mobile Industry Mobile Application, Best of Show Mobile Application

Click here to see entry creative

About the Entry

State Farm is here to help life go right®. The State Farm mobile app supports this promise. By combining banking and insurance, the app takes on two of life’s biggest needs--and does it with simple ease. State Farm partnered with Y Media Labs to create a customer-centric design. By focusing on utility and speed, the app lets customers deposit a check, pay their insurance bill, request roadside assistance, file and track claims, and much more…all from their phone, when and where they choose. Developed using Android and iOS best practices, the app features many breakthrough innovations—like a photo damage estimator that lets drivers take a picture of their damaged vehicle which is then used to write an estimate; a claims chatbot to guide them through the claim filing process; proof of insurance cards available without even logging in; and a quoting process that allows for creative comparisons of policy options. The home screen of the app includes an intuitive dashboard, bringing information and actions to its users on a contextual, personalized basis—simplifying the experience to focus on what is most important to the user at that moment.

Launched in January 2018, the response has been overwhelming with 1.1 million downloads in the first seven months, 1.9 million bills paid through the app and 85 thousand stranded customers finding help with roadside assistance. The app has truly helped life go right for State Farm customers across the nation.


Award Credits


Enterprise Technology Executives:

Fawad Ahmad, Vijayasri Yerraguntla

Product Leadership :

Ramakrishna Mantha, Jeff Fietsam, Derek Krut, Matt Jaeger, Andy Reeser

User Experience :

Jay Matthews, Aida Najarian, Ben Schoer, Yvette Simmons, Mark Saperstein and Y Media Labs

Mobile Developers:

Christopher Beyler, Dave Arnold, Duane Christiansen, Eddie Koranek, Jeff Martin, Joshua Long

Mobile Developers:

Nick Exner, Nick Baker, Tallyn Turnbow, Andrew Erickson, Christian Winger, David Hughes

Mobile Developers:

Jacob Hadsall, Jennifer Mendrys, Pinky Desai, Rob Thurwanger, Scott Anderson, Surekha Methuku

Digital API Team:

Daniel Giger, Dave Schick, Josh Bailey, Kyle Morris, Lakshmi Darsi, Neill Broadstone, Priya Goel

Digital API Team:

Sarah Robinson, Sheela Chitibomma, Sheila Zunker

Product Analysts:

Stacy Miller, Jesse Donahoo, Brittany Devore, Carlie Kellerman, Colleen Stokes, Dan Tuggle,

Product Analysts:

Edna Shelby-Lewis, Kevin Fuhrman, Lori Zellers, Matt Clarenson, Michael Pelaccio, Nick Marotta