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The XFINITY My Account app allows Comcast customers to manage the most important aspects of their account from any mobile device. The app has served as one of the most effective ways to deliver full autonomy to customers – putting the power to self-serve quite literally in their own hands. Customers no longer have to call Comcast to perform the tasks for which assistance is commonly requested: paying a bill, managing profile information and credentials, troubleshooting connection issues, setting up remote controls, finding local service centers, learning more about how to get the most out of their account, and more.
Thomas Loretan, Heather Hollis,: |
Piers Lingle, Bill Saylor,: |
Al Cho, Matthew McGlynn,: |
Tracey Yerkes, Dinesh Parchuri,: |
Kevin Barry, Stephen Griffin, : |
Sarah Cheng, Russell Fellman: |